Collect a cycle-ride in all of Helsinki's sub-districts!
Edit of a map CC BY-SA 3.0 Oona Räisänen
to the end with the three-digit codes of the sub-districts you've been to, for example like this.
Both Finnish and Swedish names.
Helsinki is officially divided in many different ways: 54 neighbourhoods (kaupunginosa in Finnish), eight major districts (suurpiiri), 34 districts (peruspiiri), 148 sub-districts (osa-alue) and 369 sectors (pienalue). These 148 sub-districts (such as Punavuori, Lehtisaari, Hakuninmaa, Viikinmäki and Uutela) are just right for such a cycling challenge.
Of Helsinki's 148 sub-districts, 142 are reachable without water-crossings. The remaining six require some kind of boat ride before their achievement, so a collection of 142 is a great result. Of the six water crossings, at least some can be achieved using public transport ferries (such as Suomenlinna). It would be great to hear if someone collects 147/148. To collect all 148 is an epic task because of the southernmost areas of the challenge.